How many parts per million of co2 were recorded in the atmosphere today?

El nino and la niña are natural weather phenomena. Climate change is not. Is a scientist or two measuring co2 in the australian atmosphere so that we can mitigate our behaviour and transit to market in a considered way. This affects peoples living standards. Let’s avoid poverty!

Asked by:
Carolyn Eccleston

What's more important: answers, or questions? Are the ‘big’ questions - life, the universe, everything - more important than ‘little’ ones? Does a good question provoke debate or laughter, lead to certain answers or create reflective pause? Can it change laws, minds or lives? Are questions the best answers?

The Interrobang – a new festival from the Wheeler Centre – is looking for the best questions in the world.

Ask your questions and vote on others, then join us on 27 – 28 November for a feast of frequently unanswered questions – as we present your most controversial, revealing, funny and insightful ideas to a 25-strong Brains Trust of the world’s most inquisitive thinkers.

So pose your burning questions. We’ll build this festival on your curiosity, so brace yourself – and wonder hard.