If the NDIS funds 450k people with a disability, and the ABS lists 750k with severe or profound disability, who’s funding the remaining 300,000 people?

The NDIS is one enormous quango (QUasi-Autonomous National Government Organisation). My gut feeling is that three or four fold the amount of money given to people with a disability through their NDIS funding package has gone on the salaries and infrastructure of those setting up the system and those administering it. In my opinion, just one of the many downfalls of the system introduced.

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What's more important: answers, or questions? Are the ‘big’ questions - life, the universe, everything - more important than ‘little’ ones? Does a good question provoke debate or laughter, lead to certain answers or create reflective pause? Can it change laws, minds or lives? Are questions the best answers?

The Interrobang – a new festival from the Wheeler Centre – is looking for the best questions in the world.

Ask your questions and vote on others, then join us on 27 – 28 November for a feast of frequently unanswered questions – as we present your most controversial, revealing, funny and insightful ideas to a 25-strong Brains Trust of the world’s most inquisitive thinkers.

So pose your burning questions. We’ll build this festival on your curiosity, so brace yourself – and wonder hard.