Why is it that the likes of George Bush are seemingly untouchable in terms of holding them to account for disastrous self-serving decisions like the iraq war?

If someone steals something they are arrested but if someone sends in troupes under dubious pretence killing thousands of civilians, ruining the lives of their own combatants why is it that they just float off to a life of ease? Shouldn’t high office hold high accountability. There must be factors that give them immunity. What are they?

Asked by:
Tracy Merchant

What's more important: answers, or questions? Are the ‘big’ questions - life, the universe, everything - more important than ‘little’ ones? Does a good question provoke debate or laughter, lead to certain answers or create reflective pause? Can it change laws, minds or lives? Are questions the best answers?

The Interrobang – a new festival from the Wheeler Centre – is looking for the best questions in the world.

Ask your questions and vote on others, then join us on 27 – 28 November for a feast of frequently unanswered questions – as we present your most controversial, revealing, funny and insightful ideas to a 25-strong Brains Trust of the world’s most inquisitive thinkers.

So pose your burning questions. We’ll build this festival on your curiosity, so brace yourself – and wonder hard.