Viewed from an economic perspective, does the arts suffer from something similar to the military-industrial complex, minus the extreme violence? It seems like everyone in the arts think that more funding will fix all our problems. I was thinking of this in the light of ever growing artistic output and too much choice that the inner city life has to offer, and the idea that art is like violence in the sense that it will continue to be practiced impulsively by humans regardless of funding. To me, what seems to motivate reasonable decisions and priorities as governments struggle to allocate resources justly is the education and learning environment people have access to rather than the size of our arts or “defence” budget.
Lack of integrity has led to self-interest before social interest. As a species, if we continue we will obliterate ourselves and earth. This includes endless personal consumption, regardless of the environmental impact to the world, money before medical care, power and glory of national leaders before a love of and duty to their people, country and the world. Extreme poverty can be truly alleviated if world leaders would work together. War works, while the arsenal is manufactured by countries without integrity. Banks make gluttonous profits, while so many slave over a mortgage all their lives. Those born with the innate capacity of cognitive brilliance, who become scientists, leaders, inventors, business achievers, should be the carers of those with much less ability. How do we inspire and deliver integrity again?
When humanity becomes humane, starts listening to people, rather than propaganda, regimes that torture and control will be exposed and stopped. The psychiatric regime has been going on for over 200 in various countries, enabling genital mutilation on women who opposed their husbands, LSD testing in the 1960s, and various torturous procedures.
The people forcefully tested with insulin shock and LSD, haven’t received compensation, because our government declares the medical profession were allowed to torture people that way in the 1960s & 70s.
The people who are being currently subjected to torture by the psychiatric regime, are also unlikely to receive compensation, unless there is wide-spread condemnation for the psychiatric procedures forcefully done in our government’s name on innocent people as young as two and as old as people can be. Electroshock used on 4 year olds, pills fed daily to tranquilise two year olds. Not to mention what they do to people in their prime.
It is physically obvious what psychiatric torture does to people. It must be stopped.
How dare anyone think our country is a democracy when this is going on. How dare the organisations of festivals censor psychiatric survivors who speak out because of sponsorship deals. How dare the Australian people be so unaware of what is happening to their citizens.
The question is when? The answer should be now.