The state’s involvement in economics, our system of interventionism, breed further and further control over individual lives, liberty and freedom. It matters to me as I’m a producer constantly paying higher and higher taxes, and losing more and more of my freedoms. It should matter to anyone who values freedom and liberty.
This is the current internal debate I am struggling with as a student about to graduate and go out into the competitive and soul-crushing work force world. There is often this moral vs. wealth and success debate when thinking about the person I want to be and whether I can truly make an impact in this world. How can we break free from the ideals in place by our society and comfortably be ourselves without giving up certain parts of who we are and how we think?
We are all searching for answers – that is the very point of asking questions. Specifically, our quest for answers comes down to a quest for meaning. Finding meaning in the absurd, the ecstasy, the tragic, the triumphs of life is often a challenging and perilous journey. Indeed, Cheryl Strayed walked more than 1.100 miles to make meaning of her life and experiences. Is the search ever complete? Have any of you reached a place of fulfilment, and if so, how, when and where did you find it?